by cfsea | Dec 17, 2018 | News, Uncategorized
UPDATE! We are pleased to welcome three new Community Fund Coordinators to work closely with the Brooks & District Community Fund, Prairie Crocus Community Fund (Special Areas No. 2, 3 and MD of Acadia) and the Rural Community Fund of Forty Mile! Nicole Nichols is...
by cfsea | Oct 24, 2018 | News, Uncategorized
Wow! An anonymous donor has established a permanent endowment fund for KidSport Medicine Hat & Redcliff with a $30,000 initial commitment! This is an open fund, meaning anyone wanting to support KidSport in a meaningful and lasting way can donate. Providing a...
by Chris Christie | Oct 5, 2018 | News, Uncategorized
A Vital Conversation gathers residents together from across our community for a big, broad consultation and brainstorming event. Vital Conversations 2018 (held October 4th) explored community issues, opportunities, and solutions related to these nine pillars (for...
by cfsea | Aug 24, 2018 | News, Uncategorized
Volunteers gathered together to race in T-Rex costumes for charity in September. Community supporters cheered on the racing dinosaurs and made donations in support of CFSEA with a total of $4,200 fund raised! Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and made...
by cfsea | Jul 24, 2018 | News, Uncategorized
A new fund has been established for the Medicine Hat Symphonic Society! The name of the fund is the Robert Bardston Memorial Scholarship Fund. Annual distributions from the investment income from this fund will be designated back to the Symphonic Society. This is an...
by Chris Christie | Jun 29, 2018 | News, Uncategorized
Donors, community members, charities and Community Foundation supporters gathered on the roof top of the Esplanade to celebrate our annual Founder’s Day Picnic this June. $216,000 was distributed to local charities across Southeastern Alberta. Since our...