Vital Focus Virtual Launch
The Community Foundation launched the 2021 Vital Focus Report at their virtual event on October 7th. Hosting a virtual event allowed more participants than ever to join in on this launch. The event featured impact speakers from each of the areas highlighted in the report, provided a unique networking opportunity for attendees, and laid the groundwork for the 2022 Vital Conversations.
“Pritchard & Co. Law Firm LLP is proud to support the CFSEA because it provides a way for people to support important social initiatives in our community in a way that is both sustaining and flexible to our community needs. Vital Signs is a helpful “report card” to show where there are gaps in our community that can be improved upon by our citizens, businesses, and government.” – Pritchard and Co. Law Firm LLP, Sponsor.
Vital Focus Report
The 2021 Vital Focus Report provides a comprehensive overview of three prominent impact areas which have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic in Southeastern Alberta. These areas include mental health, work & economy, and vulnerable populations, specifically food security, housing stability, and domestic violence. The objective for the 2021 Vital Focus is not to provide answers, but rather to inspire thought, foster conversation, and assist in identifying areas for you to contribute to your community where support is essential. The stories and statistics gathered each year through Vital events helps CFSEA target granting priorities.
“The goal of this report and event is to initiate dialogue and to do this, we collaborated with local agencies that witnessed and experienced the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you to the countless number of individuals and agencies who provided stories and statistics for the report to make it representative of the community’s experiences. I am truly proud of this report! A special thank you to our sponsors, Pritchard and Co. Law Firm LLP, Methanex Corporation, and RBC Royal Bank.” – Hannah Minor, Vital Signs Community Coordinator
Vital People Awards
Additionally, Vital People Awards were announced at the event. The Vital People Award aims to recognize and encourage staff and volunteers working in front line program delivery for local charities. The program supports these leaders in our community by investing in their success through two $500 awards to assist in professional development opportunities. Congratulations to the 2021 Recipients: Cody Weiss, Friends of Medalta Society and Shelby Haga, Canadian Mental Health Association.