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The Community Foundation establishes the Cypress County Community Fund.

The Community Foundation is thrilled to announce the establishment of the fourth Rural Community Fund. The Cypress County council has made the initial contribution of $10,000 to establish the Cypress County Community Fund, with the CFSEA Board matching an additional $10,000. The community fund will operate using the Community Foundation’s charitable status, administration, and financial supports.


With the creation of the Cypress County Community Fund, CFSEA now has full representation for all of Southeastern Alberta. There are three additional Rural Community Funds, including the Brooks & District Community Fund, serving the County of Newell, the Prairie Crocus Community Fund, serving Special Areas 2, 3, and the MD of Acadia, and the Rural Community Fund of Forty Mile, serving the County of Forty Mile. A local Advisory Committee will be formed consisting of Cypress County residents which will lead the direction of the fund while providing knowledge and expertise of their community’s greatest needs within the County.


“Cypress County is excited to see this community fund get started, and we all look forward to the good it will bring to our region. We know there are lots of great projects and ideas in our county that just need an extra lift — this is a perfect resource to help make things happen.” – Cypress County council


Organizations within within the Cypress County will continue to apply for grants through the Community Foundation office. Their applications will be reviewed locally by the Advisory Committee who will then make their grant recommendations to the CFSEA Grants Committee.


“We are delighted to partner with the Cypress County in the establishment of a community fund to benefit their region. Our goal is to increase philanthropy in all our communities by growing local community funds, which will provide lasting support for community needs across Southeastern Alberta and provide additional opportunities to their local organizations.” – Niki Gray, Acting Executive Director

Donors within Cypress County now have the opportunity to give where they live, ensuring donations to the Cypress County Community Fund will benefit their community today, tomorrow, forever!

To learn more, connect with CFSEA by calling 403.527.9038 or by visiting https://cfsea.ca/we-grow/rural-community-endowment-funds/