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We are thrilled to share the Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta’s 2022-2023 Annual Report.

This report highlights donors, fund holders, grant recipients, and accomplishments over our last fiscal year.

Message from our ED and Chair: “This past year was a remarkable one for impact across the Southeast Alberta region with over $1 million distributed in grants to local organizations. Although our grants continue to increase year after year, the needs in our communities surpass what is available for funding. Each grant cycle, the number of requests we receive from local charities is more than four times the amount we have available to distribute. The generosity and foresight of our donors who contributed over $1.5 million this past year is the reason we are able to continue supporting our region through grants.

The Foundation recognizes the limits charities are experiencing regarding capacity, addressing increased needs for their services, and overall funding. Local charities are facing the ongoing ripple affects of the pandemic, the cost of living, and inflation. One step we are taking to support these organizations’ capacity building is through our Endowment Building for Sustainability project. Thanks to a grant from the Government of Alberta, we have published an Endowment Building Toolkit for organizations across the province to work with their closest geographical Community Foundation to establish and grow their own endowments for long-term sustainability. We will continue to work with local organizations to help increase the impact they have across our region.

The Southeast Alberta region is made up of over 109,837 people with vastly diverse perspectives and circumstances, connected through shared geography. As our Foundation continues to strengthen those connections through impactful giving and granting, our Board has identified regional development as a priority. Our strategic direction for the next three years includes investments of time and resources into identifying the unique needs, opportunities, and solutions, to better serve our rural communities.”