CFSEA Takes Part in a New Healthy Communities Initiative
COVID-19 has seriously impacted our access and use of public spaces which are the glue to our communities. They are a big part of what makes communities safe, vibrant and connected.
The Healthy Communities Initiative is a $31 million investment from the Government of Canada to support communities as they create and adapt public spaces to respond to the new realities of COVID-19. We are proud to be working with CFC and the Government of Canada and other community foundations in Southern Alberta to provide $1,267,320 of funding to support organizations who are showing creativity and resourcefulness in creating solutions that enable people to connect and access public spaces safely while still respecting public health measures.
Starting from May 14, 2021, visit to see the Healthy Communities Initiative projects that have received funding from coast to coast to coast.
On May 14, 2021, the second round of the Healthy Communities Initiative will open. The Healthy Communities Initiative is funding projects between $5,000 and $250,000 that help create safe and vibrant public spaces, improve mobility options, and provide digital solutions to help their neighbourhoods or communities navigate the pandemic and look to build back better in the COVID-19 recovery. A variety of community-led organizations are eligible to apply, including local governments, charities, Indigenous communities, and registered non-profit organizations.
Visit to find out more about how to apply, explore resources for applicants and sign up for community mobilization sessions.
Upcoming Events
Applicants are encouraged to register for the webinars below:
May 18: How to Apply to the Healthy Communities Initiative
May 20: Getting to Yes and! How Municipalities can work with community partners
May 25: How to design equitable digital solutions with Black and other equity-seeking communities
June 1: Simple Ways To Create Vibrant Safe Spaces or Adapt Public Places and Programming During a Pandemic
June 8: How to Write a Funding Application: Tips for First Time Applicants
June 10: Creating safe and vibrant public spaces: Some ideas to guide you!
Applicant Guide Equity Guidance Glossary Eligibility & Criteria