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Youth in Philanthropy 

Building tomorrow’s philanthropists today.

Each year, dozens of students in school leadership classes or youth committees are engaged in the world of philanthropy. The Youth in Philanthropy (YiP) program is a leadership development initiative where students learn about critical issues in their community, research local charities, and award grant funding of $1,000-$2,000 to help address these issues.

The school-based model allows the program to reach youth from a variety of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.  Schools and youth groups decide how the program will meet its goals. Students gain analytical, teamwork, and leadership skills, and an appreciation of how philanthropy can resolve community issues.

To Donate to the Youth In Philanthropy Program, Click Here


“I thought it was pretty cool going to the Ronald McDonald House because I learned stuff I didn’t know before and I got to see what it was like in there and see how kids and parents live there for a bit at a time. And now that I know more about it, I am happy to donate to them. I’m glad I had this opportunity.”

– Redcliff Youth Centre YiP Participant

Interested in Starting a YIP Committee?